Workshop session: “Distributional semantics and topic modeling: theory and application”, Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities: Essentials of Coding and Encoding, org. Anda Baklane, National Library of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, July 23-26, 2019. – 2 x 90 min. – 🔗 Programme

Christof Schöch: “Repeating and Repeatable: Digital Literary Studies between Past and Present”, Interroger le texte à l’ère de l’intelligence mécanique : la stylistique outillée, au carrefour du disciplinaire et de l’interdisciplinaire, Montpellier, France, June 11-12, 2019. – Keynote. – Conference website

“Introduction aux humanités numériques”, “Méthodes d’analyse numérique des textes” und “Outils de comparaison automatique des textes”, Séminaire MetaLex, org. Falk Bretschneider & Rainer Maria Kiesow, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, 19-22 Feb 2019.

Lecture: “Burrows Zeta for Contrastive Lexical Stylistics”. Galway Training School of the COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History, co-located with the EADH Conference 2018, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, December 5, 2018. – Plenary lecture.

Workshop Sessions: “The notion of style from an established and a computational perspective”, Workshop Theoretical Concepts and their Confrontation with Computational Method, as part of the Galway Training School of the COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History, co-located with the EADH Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway, 5-7 Dec 2018 (4 x 90 minutes). – Information

Christof Schöch: “Towards a Resarch Agenda for Data-driven Approches to Literary Periods” (Keynote). Annual conference of The Coordinating Committee for the Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages Series (CHLEL): ‘Period Shapers in Literary History’, org. Dirk van Hulle. University of Antwerp, 24.5.2018. – Slides.

MetaLex: Les mots du droit. Cesare Beccaria’s Dei delitti e delle pene et ses traductions en Europe, coord. Falk Bretschneider, Rainer Maria Kiesow, Claudine Moulin, Christof Schöch, with Vera Hildenbrandt, Thomas Burch, Floriane Chiffoleau, Carmen Brando. Centre Georges Simmel, EHESS/CNRS, Paris and Trier Center for Digital Humanities, Trier University.

Christof Schöch: “Spitzer & Racine, revisited”. Sektion Theorien von Autorschaft und Stil in Bewegung. Stilistik und Stilometrie in der Romania, org. Nanette Rißler-Pipka, 35. Kongress des Deutschen Romanistenverbands, Universität Zürich, Schweiz, 8.-11.10.2017. – Informationen.

Christof Schöch & Erik Ketzan: “Close/Machine-Reading Two Versions of Andy Weir’s The Martian”, Seminar Machine Reading/Narrative Machines, org. Jeffrey Champlin, Christof Schöch, Inge van de Ven, Annual Meeting of the American Association for Comparative Literature (ACLA Conference), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 6.-9.7.2017. – InformationScheduleSlides.

Daniel Schlör, Stefanie Popp, Christof Schöch, Ulrike Henny und José Calvo Tello: “Straight Talk! ­Automatic Recognition of Direct Speech in Nineteenth-­century French Novels”, Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities Conference 2016 (Kraków, Poland, 12.-15.7.2016). ADHO, 2016. – URL: (abstract) – DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10072385 (abstract and presentation).

Workshop-Session: “Thematic Analyses of Large Text Collections with Topic Modeling”, im Rahmen der Erasmus+ Gastdozentur, org. Rafal Gorski, Maciej Eder und Jan Rybicki, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Polen, 29.03.-8.4.2016 (13×60 min.). – +Materialien