Simone Rebora, Roxana Patras, Christof Schöch, Gabriele Vezzani, Pieter Francois, Yina Cao, Alexandra Huang-Kokina, Youngmin Kim, Marko Juvan (proposers): Session “Research Committees Proposal – Digital Comparative Literature”, XXIV Congress of the Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée/International Comparative Literature Association, 28 July – 1st Aug 2025, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea.
∞Christof Schöch: “디지털과인문학의가교: 디지털인문학에관한크리스토프소흐교수와의인터뷰 / Bridging the Digital and the Humanities: An Interview with Professor Christof Schöch on the Future of Digital Humanities”. Korean Journal of Digital Humanities 1.2, 2024, 7-93. DOI:
∞Christof Schöch: “Towards Computational Comparative Literary Studies: Adressing the Challenges of Multilingualism” (keynote). Annual Spring Conference of KEASTWEST, org. Youngmin Kim. Dongguk University, South Korea, 25 May 2024. – Slides: – DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11180762 – Announcement.
∞Christof Schöch: Participation in the panel on Digital Transformation in the Personal and the Academic Space: Convergence of the fields of Digital, Humanities, and Literature, org Youngmin Kim. Dongguk University, South Korea, 24 May 2024.
∞Christof Schöch: “Bigger Smarter Data: Extracting, Modeling and Linking Data for Literary History”. Invited lecture, org. Lee Seung-eun and Byungjun Kim on behalf of Korean Association for Digital Humanities (KADH), the Department of Korean Language and Literature, Humanities Utmost Sharing System. Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 23 May 2024. – Slides: – DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11213754 – Announcement.