Annual Conference for Computational Literary Studies (CCLS), org. by the editors of the Journal for Computational Literary Studies (Evelyn Gius, Christof Schöch, Peer Trilcke) and local organizers. – CCLS2022: Technical University Darmstadt (org. Evelyn Gius, Svenja Guhr); CCLS2023: University of Würzburg (org. Fotis Jannidis, Steffen Pielström). – URL: | see also: Journal for Computational Literary Studies.
∞Co-Editor, Journal of Computational Literary Studies, with Evelyn Gius and Peer Trilcke. Editorial team members: Élodie Ripoll, Svenja Guhr, Henny Sluyter-Gäthje, Dominik Gerstorfer. 2021-present. –