Christof Schöch: “Linked Open Data for Literary History. Extracting, Modeling, Linking and Querying Data on the French Enlightenment Novel” (opening keynote). The International Conference for the Study of the Novel. Second Edition: Migration and Economic Inequalities in the History of the Novel: Discourses, Representations, Identity (Re)Construction. Cluj-Napoca: Institutul de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară Sextil Pușcariu, 21-22 June 2024. – Presentation:, Programme:

Sarah Hoover (presenting author), Julie Birkholz, Ingo Börner, Joanna Byszuk, Sally Chambers, Vera Maria Charvat, Silvie Cinkova, Anna Dijkstra, Julia Dudar, Matej Durco, Maciej Eder, Jennifer Edmond, Evgeniia Fileva, Frank Fischer, Vicky Garnett, Francoise Gouzi, Serge Heiden, Michael Kren, Els Lefever, Michal Mrugalski, Ciara Murphy, Carolin Odebrecht, Eliza Papaki, Marco Raciti, Emily Ridge, Salvador Ros, Christof Schöch, Artjoms Sela, Justin Tonra, Elsbeth Toth Cifra, Peer Trilcke, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Vera Yakupova (2024): “Literary Methods for All: CLS INFRA”. DARIAH Annual Event 2024, Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices in the Arts and Humanities. Lisbon, June 18-21, 2024. – URL:

Christof Schöch: “Replication or Reproduction or What? Modes of Repetitive Research in Computational Literary Studies”. ExploreCor: Using Programmable Corpora in Computational Literary Studies (CLS INFRA Training School), Session Reproducibility in CLS Research. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH OEAW), Vienna, June 10-12, 2024. [#200]

Jacek Kudera (presenting author), Claudia Bamberg, Thomas Burch, Folke Gernert, Maria Hinzmann, Susanne Kabatnik, Claudine Moulin, Benjamin Raue, Achim Rettinger, Jörg Röpke, Ralf Schenkel, Kristin Shi-Kupfer, Doris Schirra, Christof Schöch, Joëlle Weis: “LODinG: Linked Open Data in the Humanities”. The 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Resources, Applications, Best Practices, Co-located with LREC 2024. 25 May 2024, Torino, Italy. – Paper: – Poster: – Programme:

Christof Schöch: Participation in the panel on Digital Transformation in the Personal and the Academic Space: Convergence of the fields of Digital, Humanities, and Literature, org Youngmin Kim. Dongguk University, South Korea, 24 May 2024.

Christof Schöch: “Bigger Smarter Data: Extracting, Modeling and Linking Data for Literary History”. Invited lecture, org. Lee Seung-eun and Byungjun Kim on behalf of Korean Association for Digital Humanities (KADH), the Department of Korean Language and Literature, Humanities Utmost Sharing System. Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 23 May 2024. – Slides: – DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11213754Announcement.

Christof Schöch, Claudine Moulin, Joëlle Weis: “Historical wine labels as pointers to places and spaces of wine cultivation, production and distribution: A case study from the German Mosel region”. Wine, place and space – Global geographies of wine cultivation, production and consumption, org. Daniela Ana, Marc Daferner, Tatiana López, Gerhard Rainer, Susann Schäfer, Christian Steiner, Anika Zorn. Eichstätt: KU Eichstätt, Feb 21-23, 2024. – URL:

Christof Schöch: “Linked Open Literary History am Beispiel der Geschichte des französischen Romans 1750-1800”. Colloquium Frühe Neuzeit interdisziplinär. Neue Forschungsbeiträge aus Trier, org. Damien Tricoire & Stephan Laux. Universität Trier, 31 Jan 2024. – Präsentation.

Joëlle Weis, Christof Schöch (2024): “Vom Perler Hasenberg zur Lehmener Würzlay – Weinetiketten digital erschließen”. In: Digital ist besser? Sammlungsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter, edited by Katharina Günther und Stefan Alschner. Tagungsband der Endterm-Tagung des Forschungsverbunds Marburg-Wolfenbüttel-Weimar (MWW), Klassik Stiftung Weimar, 16.–17. Feb 2023. Göttingen: Wallstein. – URL: Orange Open Access Symbol